
dental age中文是什么意思

  • 齿龄
  • 牙龄



  • 例句与用法
  • Objective : this subject aims to study the relationship between various dental changes accompanied by age increase and the age , and seek a simple and convenient and accurate way to judge the dental age ; so that basis can be provided to judge the age according to teeth in expert testimony and data can be accumulated for anthropological research
  • Methods : we have divided the 636 molars ( without dental caries or pathological changes of root ) collected in school of forensic medicine and stomatological hospital in shanxi medicine university into four groups : maxl , max2 , manl , man2 , and selected 5 indexes closely related to changes of dental age ( dental attrition , contact area , the index of dentine marrow cavity , the thickness of cementum of root , the diaphaneity of dentine of root ) , and proposed the grading standard and scoring standard date processing and statistical analysis after measuring the teeth of the four groups
    方法:从山西医科大学法医学院及口腔医院收集的636磨牙(无龋坏、无根尖病变)分为max1 、 max2 、 man1 、 man2四组,根据牙齿的增龄变化特点,筛选了5个与牙龄变化密切相关的指标(牙齿的磨耗、接触区面积、牙本质髓室指数、根尖牙骨质的厚度、根尖牙本质透明) ,提出了指标的分级标准和评分标准,对各组的牙齿测量后进行数据处理和统计分析。
  • 其他语种释义
  • 推荐英语阅读
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